Coast Ranges Field Trip

October 14th to 18th, 2004

The second field trip for Kurt Cuffey's Fall 2004 geomorphology class went south from Berkeley along the Coast Ranges. We drove south in the mountains for the most part and drove back north along the coast. The first trip went to the Eastern Sierras.

001sunrise1 002sunrise2 003sunrise4 004sunrise7 005sunrise8 006Maps 007scarp 008terraces1 009terraces2 010ArroyoSeco 011PeachTreeValley 012PanchoRico 013knockers 014cutbank 015landslideStitch 017WallaceCreek 018SanAndreas 019sinkhole 020SanAndreas 021SAGully 022RegularSpacing 023braidedRiver 024braidedUpriver 025mudcracks 030Mudcracks 031CuyamaValley 032PlanarSlide 033Matilija 034MatilijaReservoir 035SBwavecutPlatform 036SBbeach 037MillCreekValley 038NaciFergRoadCulvert 039MillCreekValley 040MillCkSlide 041CoastFromNaciFerg 042CoastSouth 043CoastalCliffs 044FreshDebrisFlow 045SmallerDebrisFlow 046PurpleSand 047PurpleSand2 048HoleInRock 049Terraces 050PointSur 051GoldenGate