Saline Valley

Thanksgiving 2004

Over Thanksgiving break I went for a much-needed, fun, and relaxing trip down to Saline Valley with a few friends. Saline Valley is north of Death Valley.

001spring 002Travertine 003lakepattern 004travertine 005channelInLava 006lavaflowslope 007FireCircle 008Valley 009jet 010beautifulday 011sunset 012sunsetbush 013mountainFront 014mountainVertical 015LavaFront 016ground 017cactii 018drys 019dryValley 020dryforeground 021DebrisFlowChannels 022Moonrise 023GroupFire 024Drys 025lava 026FireDance 027FireDance2 028Rock 029mudLake 030LakeBed 031alone