Eastern Sierra Field Trip

September 29th – October 3rd, 2004

In the fall of 2004 I took a graduate geomorphology field trip class with Kurt Cuffey. We did two trips: one to the eastern Sierra mountains of California and the other along the Coast Ranges of California. This page just has the pictures from the Sierra trip without any captions or commentary. The road log page has more details on this trip.

001Olmstead 002TuolumnePothole 003PotholeStorm 004TuolumneRiver 005Potholes 006Moraine 007ChannelBeside120 008LeeViningCreek 009LeeViningAspen 010LeeViningDebrisFlows 011Moraines 012RockCreek 013PeaksFromRockCreek 014BoxLake 015RockCreekReflection 016BoxLakeReflection 017BoxPeaks 018BoxClouds 019RockCreekRidgeCloud 020MoonMultiple 021KurtDrivingEquations 022HotCreek 023McGeeCreekMoraines 024McGeeCreekValley 025OwensRiverGorge 026PineCreekValley 027DebrisFlowFanBroad 028DebrisFlowFanClose 029DebrisFlowChannel 030SlotCanyon 031TruncatedSpur 032MovieFlat 033AlabamaSierra 034Whitney 035WhitneyCreekValley 036NextToCCValley 037HorseshoeMeadows 038Dune 039DuneFront 040StormOverWhites 041OwensRiver 042OwensWhites 043Owens 044Badlands 045DesertPavement 045Toad 046SierraCrest 047WhitesFan 048MonoLakeTufas 049TufasBirds