
June 2005, New Years 2006, June 2006, Sept 27th 2008, various other points in my life

I've added some pictures from a September 27th, 2008 glacial geomorphology field trip to Eagle Lake. I started on the captions but realistically won't finish them for a while so I figured I'd post the pictures in the meantime. A few of the pictures are panoramas, noted on the thumbnails with a P.

A story I wrote about a particularly nice evening at Tahoe.

morainepano emeraldbaymouth emeraldbaypano grusformation granitefractures roadcutroots emeraldbaydelta emeraldbay striae EagleFalls glaciatedslope talusslope smoothrock chattermarks striaepolish striaecrack planeview arete eaglelakepano holeintree eagleisle eaglelaketrees smoothspot planeddown striaecomposition composition areteroche treeview johnK class flatspotpano chattering crescenticboot crescentics steeptrees maggiespeaks mystree lunchpano valleyrockfall valleysill treesphipps spheroidalweathering openvalley lonetree eaglelakeverticalpano graniteemerald granitetahoe conesintree granitesouthshore emeraldhighpano deltahigh emeraldhigh debrisflow foresttreatment BeachSnowDiagonal EagleLake LadenTree SnowyBark SnowyTree SnowyWaterfall TahoeMeadowsDock