Death Valley Field Trip

March 23rd - March 28th, 2003

The temperatures in Death Valley in April are actually quite nice. To take advantage of this, a group of 14 geographers from UC Berkeley took a field trip to the area to see the sites and learn a bit about the history, landforms, and present day politics of America's most famous desert region.

01cholla 02rocks 03Joshua 04LAAqueduct 05dryfalls 06SierraCrest 07CrestDusk 08AlabamaHills 09Manzanar 10OwensValley 11Meander 12SalineValley 13SalineValleyJoshua 14Joshua 15Racetrack 16Lizard 17GroupCorridor 18Ammonoid 19UbehebeCrater 20Ubehebe 21GroupSandDunes 22DuneCrest 23DunePeople 24DuneSummit 25RattlerLizard 26Zabriskie 27SaltFlats 28GroupSaltFlats